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We will protect your legitimate interests in the courts of any level, at any stage of the process. We will protect the interests of individuals and legal entities in state and municipal bodies, we will accompany during transactions and negotiations. Often, in order to avoid future losses, it is necessary to develop sets and forms of documents that are exclusive and mandatory for use in your activity, internal regulations, local legal acts of your organization and / or recommendations.

In the case of ordering this service and implementing all the developed measures to reduce legal risks, subscription services will continue to be supportive in nature, which is much more economical and more useful for organizations. The effect of this kind of cooperation is much greater than with other forms of subscription cooperation. The development of a set of measures and legal documents depends on their complexity and scope, that is, it is very exclusive in each case. Affiliate discounts apply for joint marketing or promotion. The conditions are negotiated individually depending on the joint action and potential positive result. For any requirement for legal issues, contact us for the best assistance.

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